RamStrong Well-being Assessment
Well-being is an exciting lifelong process of making positive decisions that support a more balanced life. Using this self-assessment can help to determine which areas of your life and well-being are shining brightly and which may need a bit of a boost. This journey of self-discovery encourages reflection and goal-setting to spark positive changes in your lifestyle.
Aim for a perfect score of fifteen (15) in each category, if you find your score is significantly lower in any area, explore RamStrong's resources to elevate your well-being and enrich your life.
Your total score:
If your total score is:
- 21-42: It’s time to explore ways to enhance your overall well-being.
- 43-63: You’re doing well, but boosting the areas where you scored lower can lead to even greater benefits.
- 64-84: Your well-being is above average! Think about ways to maintain this high level or focus on areas with lower scores for even better well-being.
- 85-105: Congratulations! You’ve achieved optimum well-being. Keep up the great work to enjoy a fulfilling and well-rounded life experience.
Employee Health
Ready to take the next step with your assessment results? Employee Health provides free, confidential annual wellness screenings to help pinpoint potential risk factors and connect you with resources available to VCU employees. Stay proactive about your health and discover how we can support you!

Student Health
Curious about how to follow up on your assessment results? University Student Health Services is your go-to hub for outpatient medical care, public health services, health education, and more. Explore the many ways we can assist you on your journey to optimal health!