Occupational Resources
Occupational well-being is about finding personal satisfaction and enrichment in your everyday work. This includes finding paid and volunteer opportunities that interest you. Occupational well-being involves valuing the importance of not only your own personal gratification but your contribution to the well-being of the community at large.
⬥ Employee Resources ⬥ Student Resources
⬥ Career development
As an institution of higher education, lifelong learning is an integral part of VCU's mission. We are committed to offering learning opportunities for employees to improve current job effectiveness, to prepare for career advancement, and to enhance personal career development. Learn more about career development and learning opportunities at VCU.
⬥ Career Services
VCU Career Services support students and recent alumni as they explore their interests and gain experience to reach their career goals. They provides individual advising as well as career resources and guides. They offer ways to search for jobs, internships, and other experiential and employment opportunities, as well as customized career events focused on skill-building, learning about industries and career paths, and networking with employers and alumni.
⬥ Handshake
Handshake connects students and alumni directly with employers and opportunities, along with career advisors and career-related events and workshops. Handshake was created with students in mind and hosts the largest number of opportunities specifically for students and new college graduates.
⬥ HR Course Catalog
VCU HR maintains the HR Course Catalog as a way to display the wide variety of trainings to support individual and team development. VCU staff can sign up for any of the trainings listed. Most are free, and many are available in in-person- virtual or hybrid delivery formats.
⬥ Grace Harris Leadership Institute, Leadership Development Program
The VCU Leadership Development Program is a 10-month program designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and experience of current and emerging leaders at the university and health who represent the academic and administrative units.
⬥ Professional development
Faculty and staff can use Talent@VCU to access professional development opportunities offered at VCU. Additional resources are available at LinkedIn Learning with access to thousands of expert-led courses and instructional videos. Earn certificates and receive course recommendations.
⬥ Performance Management Group
The VCU Performance Management Group offers a comprehensive range of organizational and professional development services to help individuals and organizations achieve superior results. PMG provides participants with fresh insight, proven tools and techniques, and the skilled staff needed to meet individual and organizational objectives.
⬥ Tuition benefit
VCU offers a tuition benefit to faculty, adjunct faculty, university and academic professionals, and classified employees. The benefit may be used for academic credit in a VCU undergraduate, graduate or first-professional degree course. The tuition benefit covers standard undergraduate and graduate tuition, university fee, student activity fee, student government fee, technology fee and capital outlay fee. The tuition benefit covers only VCU courses.
⬥ VCU Employee Health Services
VCU Employee Health Services has locations on the Monroe Park and MCV Campuses that offer services such as no-cost immunizations, including flu and COVID-19 vaccines, and clinical support with work-related and general health concerns, injuries or exposures. Call the Employee Health Hotline at (804) 628-2594 for any work-related health concerns.
⬥ Training
Search and register for training opportunities offered throughout the university.
⬥ Work/Life Well-being Blog
VCU HR maintains a work/life well-being blog that shares daily tips and tricks for living a fulfilling and happy life, both at home and in the workplace.
⬥ Workplace safety and training resources
VCU Safety and Risk Management offers a variety of workplace safety and training resources designed to help VCU employees be as safe as possible while on campus. Resources include comprehensive safety systems and practices, a dedicated safety organization, line ownership of safety, multifaceted involvement in safety activities, and training to provide the knowledge and skills that achieve desired outcomes.
To share your suggestions on additional resources for the VCU community, contact the Division of Administration at administration@vcu.edu.